Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pulse and Valentine's Day

Pulse was an experience...let's just keep it at that. They played great music and even had a miniature drag queen show. Omega, Justin, Natalie and I had a blast! I think the best part about my experience was that I was nicely complemented by many guys yet I wasn't creeped out like I normally would have been if it were straight men.

Natalie and I fist pumping like champs ;)

Justin, Natalie, and Omega outside on the patio.

Work was a train wreck today...everyone and their mom had a terrible day at work.

I worked in Campfire Treats (hot dogs and soft serve ice cream). When I came back from my lunch break were out of hot dogs, buns, and there were chips and soda spilled all over the floor. I swear I am the most competent person that I work with.

One women complained to me that her kids would choke on their hot dogs if she couldn't have a plastic knife...we don't have knives...I tried explain nicely and she decided to yell at me. (awesome) Another woman ordered 9 root beer floats and failed to mention she wanted chocolate ice cream until I made the first 7 with vanilla...I am so happy to just be sitting down in my bed not dealing with people right was ridiculous...Olivia gave Jaimee and I a ride home and we compared horror stories of the day. Then Natalie took me to the grocery store. Everyone had a horrible day and everyone got yelled at by mean customers...People need to just be thankful that they are here and appreciate their time with each other.

On a happier not Christopher sent me beautiful red roses and calla lilies. He comes Friday for a fabulous weekend at "The Walt Disney Resort" (imagine it being said in a deep man voice like on the monorail)

Hope everyone had a nice day...hopefully cupid treated you well :)


  1. awesome! happy Valentines day babe!

  2. you finally joined my following ;)
    see you so soon :) :) :)

  3. Kass,
    Lookin tough in the photo! Are you two boxers????
    Sounds like your visit to pulse was a thumbs up!

  4. It's called fist pumping...Google the MTV show jersey will explain a lot.
