Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hello to all of my adoring fans...sorry that I have no posted this week...somehow each night when I came home I was at a loss for words. So here is a brief update.
Although I have only had to work in funnel one day this week I was a breaker several times and had to do breaks in there...I begged for a little vacation time from funnel, we will see if it is granted in the coming weeks.

It has finally started to get nice here. I am even going to venture out and wear shorts to work today! It will be a first and I am a little nervous about it but it is supposed to be 70 degrees today so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the predicted 0% chance of rain holds true.

ESPN put it nicely when they titled there article Duke destroys UNC...unfortunately I fell asleep at halftime and missed the second half. But none the less I am quite pleased. The Zags play in the WCC tourney in Vegas this weekend so everyone better be rooting for them! I know my mom can find some nice Matt Bouldin video posts on her facebook wall...good thing my dad doesn't have a facebook or he would be rolling his eyes. Secretly I think he just wishes he had those curly locks...because let's face it 'curls get the girls' i.e Chris Ruckel :)

I went to TGI Fridays with some friends from work on Friday was 1:00 AM when we were leaving and some song came on...well all of my black friends were jumping and screaming and doing the same dance...I didn't know what had hit me...after they were finished with their hoopla, I asked what they were doing. Well Poison was the song and the dance goes with it. It came about "back when we weren't treated right" according to there you have it. It was crazy.

I think tomorrow Katie and I are gonna try to go to Typhoon Lagoon and soak up some rays...we were supposed to only get in free until February 27th but they extended it until June!!! Yay!

The Ma and Pa come on Thursday and I am so excited!!!

Off to work out not I will try to be better about posting this week.

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