Monday, May 24, 2010

Leaving Orlando

I leave in the morning to head back west. I am super excited to head towards home and experiences all the joys of summer that I love but I can't help but be sadden by closing this chapter of my life...It is just like college...great friends, many laughs, a few tears, and countless memories...but I suppose you couldn't expect anything less when Mickey Mouse is your boss.

Edward (my stuffed elephant) and I are all tucked into bed and watching the end of the Celtics/Magic Game. I wish the Magic would have given a better showing in this series but as long as the Lakers don't win it all I will be happy.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Last Day

So I am officially done with my internship. Today was really bittersweet. I am headed off to Earl of Sandwich (my favorite place) for one final goodbye tonight. I worked in Nacho today which is the hand scooped ice cream that used to be nachos...but they never bothered to change the name. I was super excited to end in a place that I really like working.
I got there opened everything up and in walks Mirjam...yes it looks like Mer-Jam...but she says it Meer-eee-um. She was a piece of work...and I really don't know why she is not locked up in the loony bin. I asked her a simple questions about ice cream sandwiches and she replied "if the little girls don't like sugar cookies, just tell them that Tinkerbell made them...then they will eat anything." Well Mirjam...thanks for the advice...throughout the day she continued on with quite possibly the most idiotic statements that I have heard including singing happy birthday in Spanish to guests midway forgetting the words so improvising with an odd hopping dance. She was a gem...She always told me that she was a stalker. Coincidentally her "ex-boyfriend" called three times in about ten minutes and she was complaining about
The day concluding with her leaving, not saying a word, then being told my a manager to come back and help us close because she wasn't scheduled to leave for an hour...which she knew because she told me at the beginning of the day. So friends, if any of you are feeling like you are going crazy...Disney is hiring loonies.

I said my goodbyes and took a few pictures...threw away my gross work boots and was out of there!

Katie and I are gonna do a few last of the things on our list and some of our favorites in the park tomorrow and then off to Scott and Lisa's tomorrow night. Katie leaves Friday and I am staying the weekend :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Countdown

Two weeks from right now at this very moment I will be on a plane leaving Orlando and heading back west. Today is my only day off before I move out so I need to be productive and get things far so good. I got up and did a four mile run. Now I am headed to the outlet mall to try and find a cheap duffle bag to carry on the plane...because I don't think everything is going to fit into two least not without my mommy's help.

I went to Magic Kingdom last night and watched the Spectromagic Parade and Wishes fireworks...both for the first time and they were great! But the Illuminations fireworks at Epcot is still my favorite.

I am supposed to go to the mall with some of my friends because one of them needs to get a touch up on her tattoo and then we want to take our ears to Magic Kingdom to get our names stitched on the back.